I Live in a City

I read this morning that Jesus is at the heart of every Christmas. I read it with an indifference, of sorts, because this is truly how I feel about Christmas this holiday season. I live in a city that doesn’t sleep, not really. It is ladled and saddled with anxieties about tomorrows and well beings… Continue reading I Live in a City


Evil is a thing of shame, unless otherwise known. And so I am ~ Known. dllyn Whatever it is, own it, be transcribed by it. Become something greater, something more. Fear not and love will follow. And to this end, Ah men. Don’t ever doubt your splendor. ~OitB

Skinny Tree

This is a piece where I was able to capture a moment, where in that moment all of eternity was revealed to me – in a moment- through one small tree.  It was in the late Fall to early Winter that I came upon the tree. It was as if the tree itself became a… Continue reading Skinny Tree

The Story Short

The Story Short: A Word in Prose; only Heaven Knows by Deanna Llyn When everything becomes the answer, nothing is right. Fragments and fragmented. It’s all a lie. The liars delight. But the little pieces, they’ll come back to you; what is. Honest and True. What Love would do. The End.

Twilight: a poem and sketch.

Twilight Twilight minds the stars at night That dazzle in her hair And there her radian charms ignite The rainbows soft and fair. But should the paths of fate be crossed And should the lorry toil, Cast be known to this of throne And might be said of sound. By Deanna Llyn