I am Grateful

I am grateful for Covid.  I am grateful for that virus that will finally halt the forward advancement of civilizations.  I am grateful for a vaccine that will annihilate the neediness of others so that “others” might begin to take on a whole new meaning, such that we all recognize each other in one another’s… Continue reading I am Grateful

The Story Short

The Story Short: A Word in Prose; only Heaven Knows by Deanna Llyn When everything becomes the answer, nothing is right. Fragments and fragmented. It’s all a lie. The liars delight. But the little pieces, they’ll come back to you; what is. Honest and True. What Love would do. The End.

This Day, December 11, 2021

People, they conveniently create God in such a way that serves them best.  God is so much more.  So easy.  So good.  So mighty and powerful, all at the same time, but serving only the goodness and meaningful nature of life, in however that form takes into being or into life, and then chooses to… Continue reading This Day, December 11, 2021