The Dark Horse

They should never have made her the pariah; a put to place their blame. While keeping their secrets they’re hiding their shame. They buried her deep and married her twice. The father and son, both, her delight. Bringing her home now, quiet inside. Death be the maker. Breath be the bride.

Don’t ever Doubt your Splendor!

It’s a beautiful day to cast away And let your worries go To billowed ends of faeries dens, Where sanctuaries grow. And once inside, please do confide Your dreams and all you wish. For there will grow, for all to know, Your beauty as your dish!

The Incumbent

“You just wanted the milk and not the breast, like a starling in the nest. It’s sad, really, that my own had to go without for so long.” – OitB

I am Grateful

I am grateful for Covid.  I am grateful for that virus that will finally halt the forward advancement of civilizations.  I am grateful for a vaccine that will annihilate the neediness of others so that “others” might begin to take on a whole new meaning, such that we all recognize each other in one another’s… Continue reading I am Grateful


Evil is a thing of shame, unless otherwise known. And so I am ~ Known. dllyn Whatever it is, own it, be transcribed by it. Become something greater, something more. Fear not and love will follow. And to this end, Ah men. Don’t ever doubt your splendor. ~OitB

Skinny Tree

This is a piece where I was able to capture a moment, where in that moment all of eternity was revealed to me – in a moment- through one small tree.  It was in the late Fall to early Winter that I came upon the tree. It was as if the tree itself became a… Continue reading Skinny Tree