The Dark Horse

They should never have made her the pariah; a put to place their blame. While keeping their secrets they’re hiding their shame. They buried her deep and married her twice. The father and son, both, her delight. Bringing her home now, quiet inside. Death be the maker. Breath be the bride.


People are afraid of themselves. Listen how they talk of each other. Reflections in the dark, and the night of day. But the truth will ring out one to the other. He is my Brother. There is no other way home. The way of truth and truth alone. It’s a holy thing, a natural thing… Continue reading Madness

How can you mean to keep anything you can’t afford to lose? … This question arose in me after standing with the ocean. I hope it helps you, too.

honesty: On Waking up

What’s wrong with honesty? I’d rather have someone be honest with me than to blame me. I don’t want to take on that much responsibility. To blame another is to say that you do not have the power to provide a better way for your self, and so you tolerate and grow bitter and small,… Continue reading honesty: On Waking up

Don’t ever Doubt your Splendor!

It’s a beautiful day to cast away And let your worries go To billowed ends of faeries dens, Where sanctuaries grow. And once inside, please do confide Your dreams and all you wish. For there will grow, for all to know, Your beauty as your dish!