I am Grateful

I am grateful for Covid.  I am grateful for that virus that will finally halt the forward advancement of civilizations.  I am grateful for a vaccine that will annihilate the neediness of others so that “others” might begin to take on a whole new meaning, such that we all recognize each other in one another’s faces!  I am grateful. 

I am grateful in a burning way.  In a way that will justify myself in order to set a fire to all that remain of me that wasn’t true in you.  I am grateful. 

I am grateful for the beauty that will be restored once others learn to mind their manners and their keep!  I am grateful. 

I am grateful for this virus we hate, because she holds us into account of our pasts and keeps us from the distain-ment of a future that will never hold true.  I am grateful.

I am grateful I will be free from the belief systems of others and be a part of something beautiful and new.  I am grateful.

I am grateful to be nearer my land, my body, my sand.  I am grateful. 

The grounding is a painful past, and reticent future, where future no longer exists, but is dying and causing a painful approach to life (that which people crave, but cannot have).  This must come to an end in order for people to see again and value what is not, never has been and never will be – bought.  I am grateful.

Happiness is a thing sought, borrowed by not. 

People must learn to loosen their tongue and set free the fire.  Must reproach this thing called happiness to get to true desire.  People must grow beyond the syndrome of whatnots and fairytales to arrive at what’s REAL.  True reality that is stationed in the minds of man and many alike.  Make believe is nothing more than a mind at rot.  It is nothing in totality.  It is nothing more than whomever might wish beyond its boundaries, because the fool-hearty wish for nothing more than easiness and way-lessness simply to attain what is not.  Not for them and never has been.  Never will be, again.  The time and times have come for humanity to wake up and grow anew. This will come to past regardless of what others might do or say.  What others might believe or hold tight to, because they are afraid.  There is nothing other than embracement that will guide and protect others from what is necessary to grow.  This planet will have no other means of survival if not.  And survival and growth is what she is all about.  She is divinely planted and secured in the boundaries of time and space.  She is, above all else, the path to righteousness and self-reliancy, self-relevance.  She is the sparkle in the shine.  She is true and is divine. 

We have forgotten our pasts and must now wake up to our futures.  Our future selves that no longer live in our minds, but in the out-bodies of others.  We must wake up. 

I call her Campestral, and in the end, she does win, and does have her way.  She is love and she is loved that way.


And while not many might read this, I know the magic of words and their works that must be done and that are at hand.  I know the music in the heart that must dwell within the minds of others, so that others might live, too.  I know…

I am Grateful Audio

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