This Day, December 11, 2021

People, they conveniently create God in such a way that serves them best.  God is so much more.  So easy.  So good.  So mighty and powerful, all at the same time, but serving only the goodness and meaningful nature of life, in however that form takes into being or into life, and then chooses to express itself there.  And then there is a God of Knowing, and a God of Might!  There is nothing but GOD!  People have this so wrong, so complicated, so unreal that they have become a part of a greater reality that no longer exists within the greater part of reality.  It’s stuck.  It can no longer see, and so it wants to cling to others to make its way into and out of the world of which it creates – sickness.  People have decisions to make.  Individually and collectively.  They are the abused and the abusers of their own making.  It’s a terrible indignation.  Terrible.  Against Lord and Master.  Against the forsaken and Godly because there is no longer anyone left to truly see.  To witness for the lost.  To gain insight for the seeking.  There is a loss in this world that NO ONE can barely see, yet we all talk about it and do nothing amicable to arrive at the sea.  The goodness of life and vast knowing. 

We are addicts of our own making, because we do not want to do the work it takes to abide in the true nature of the being of life.  It’s too scary because we are too small, and so then, so too, do we make our Lord and Master in smallness.  That smallness is a sycophant to the advantage of our smallness so that we never have to step out into the world and make anew.

We are in charge of ourselves, and nobody else is ever going to care more or less than we ourselves do, because here’s the dirty little secret that no one wants known, you are here to journey and experience life with always a greater source with you.  Always.  It is what I call your home and true nature.  It is our duty to help each other find their way home, as they are ready, but first and foremost, it is our duty to self and others to find our own home!  It is our duty to focus on ourselves in order to recognize when to reach, or extend a hand in helping others along their way, but the focus must always remain on ourselves for the hardest and bulk of the work, and this is why we no longer want to engage.  We have become lazy and spiteful and full of loathing.  We have become the epitome of self-justice and self-serving.  It’s gross.  I see the coagulation of the energies organized in such a way that they lead people astray from their own keeping.  It’s sad really, but it is also of the innocent mind, as well, which makes me even madder.  It’s a slaughter house, energetically and otherwise, in order for the Gain to have its own way.  The Gain being MORE.  The Gain being Not-enough.  The gain being that which is not true.  Seduction, excessive, MORE.  There is no STOP in this world, only more, and it’s a world that we have created and are creating.  One to another for the sake of just that.  And we wonder why we fear not.  We fear not because there is nothing to fear when you are a ghost of More.  Only when there arrive not-enough does one change and turn into something more, the ghost of fear.  And the bounty of Life lives here, within the confines of fear.  The Bounty, True and Real.  There is, however, a real and true nature of fear that arrives within the psyche, that realizes how truly small one is.  But it is this very smallness that one is able to capture and realize how loved and how alive one truly is, as well.  This is an experience for which one must arrive on one’s own. 

I remember when I was living in Scotland for a while that it came to me, this: the anti-trinity is made up of 3 parts; the Father being manifest as Power, the Holy Spirit as Greed, and money as the Son.  This is called SLAVERY!  Not love for life in all we do and say, but a greed and force that drives and consoles only for another day of taking.  It is disgusting, disingenuous and beguiling.  It is for NOT.  That which is not the truth, yet is of the Truth.  It is for us, Humanity to part and parcel each and every soul from its keeping and false master – slavery.  Yet let us not see the fault in each other, but the way, and help to transform and give hope in such a way that love will stay the course and drive its way home to its Own.  What is truly meant for it.  It’s true destiny and way.  This is our calling, each to our own, in our own time and in our own place.  And that is for each of us to dictate and arrive at in and through our own nature and course.  We are to serve, first, the gift of Life given that resides and dwells within us all, and then, so too, will we be more capable and willing to help each other in such a way.  We are to serve This Life, first. We are to redeem and rescue ourselves first, so that we know and recognize the same in our brother, sister and friend.  THIS is the example the children need bear, not the weight of this world.

Be alarmed, yet only through the ghost, so that peace, love and Joy might find you and rescue you from yourself – that which you believe yourself to be, but are not.  The child lives within.  Don’t ever forget that.  And this is a child of mighty proportion, and as small as can be.  The power of infinity.  It is such a precious, precious thing. 

May Peace bring you all the bounty of Fun and safe keeping.  This is my Father’s wish for you.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hannukah and any other tradition and blessings of the Religions around the world.  There is something to love and appreciate in and through them all! What a beautiful, beautiful world just waiting to be discovered. 

With Love,


This Day: A rough reading with interruption and unprofessional use of grammar. Because I can. 😉

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