Love is Alive

It’s important to help people.  It’s important to care.  I feel my love for this world so much at times, but at the same time feel completely at a loss as to how to help humanity reach beyond the confines of their present state.  And so, I write. 

There is a battle being waged, but it is a battle of belief systems within the fields of the minds of man.  There is an evil that dwells there, within the hearts and with the soul, but an evil that is necessary in order for people to be able to make a more conscious and more self-aware decision about their world and worlds.  Evil is tremendously hard work.  Tremendously so.  But until people learn to differentiate and then, of course, care, evil will reign to whatever degree it is self-aware.  In other words, to whatever degree people believe it of themselves and others and then invest in that, evil will be.  Evil is simply a state of the mind, but a powerful believer.  Evil believes in evil and that which evil will rue.  Love is true reality in all its splendor.  It is a world unto itself, residing right here, right now.  It is the ultimate freedom.  There is simply a shift in the wellbeing of man that must take place in order for love to remain.  There is an indwelling that must be chosen, again and again, in order to reunite in light and in all the frequencies and durations meant.  And, yes, this includes the darkness of the light. 

Be it more, there is a sadness that falls the lands of iniquity.  A sadness that prevails at time being, but will be no longer.  It is for humanity to overcome and we will.  To whatever degree one must suffer, one will, but I am the one who does not like suffering.  I always want to reach out.  Evil is simply that which is without.  Without truth, without knowing, without understanding, without perceived needs being met.  It is neediness without justification of such. There is a kinder way, but one that must be found within.  It resides there within each and every one of us. 

There are people placed everywhere on this planet, offering a genuine hand in what they know to be true through their own experiences and grace – a greater hand that leads the way.  I’ve seen it, been provided for through the very existence of these souls of the greater humanity.  I’ve been held by a homeless man, as I wept, because there was no one else to comfort me, but he, at a level of understanding that his suffering might bring.  It was authentic compassion and care. And yet, he was God, Love, Understanding and Guidance, unmeasured and incarnated, at that very moment, because that is what love can do.  Incarnate in the blink of an eye.  In a single moment.  He challenged me in a simple question about the few words I had spoken to him.  In this challenge I heard the truth, I heard God speak to me.  I heard my Brother, my Mother, my Friend, all wrapped up into one defining moment and I understood what I was not.  Authentic.  I also understood, in later reflection, that I was undeserving of this homeless man’s embrace, because I could not and did not have the same level of care to offer in return.  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  In other words, no words were necessary in the receiving of this man’s love and care, only in the receiving was I necessary.  But because I felt like I must say or offer something in kind, I fell short of the perfection that he was in that very moment of mastery.  I felt unworthy of this man’s love, uncomfortable by it, because in my mind was, there, this seed of superiority that I must have the words to meet and match him, but in truth, he was unmatchable, and the most wise of things I could have done in that moment was to simply accept my unworthiness and allow his love to wash over me, and his support to be for me, and find the blessing in that.  The blessing in knowing that I can never be and will never be able to get so far from Grace that love will not find me.  Love will always be found.  Strive for that.

Love is the truth, in different values and in different ways, often unable to be measured and felt by anyone other than for whom it is meant in the moments it is or dwells.  Love is an indwelling that Life must find.  They are one in the same, but to greater and lesser degrees.  Love cannot be captured, but held for a time, and then let go of for its great return, however that is.  But Love shall always remain.  And everything, and I mean everything is loveable by someone and through something.  And yes, this does include evil in both accounts.  Love cannot fail.

I hope that someone is able to hear me in such a way that my works might help mankind.  I often feel like my words fall somewhere outside of hearing range.  I hope this not so. 

May truth guide you; love fulfill you and joy of life be restored to the very heart and soul of the Universe: the one True that resides in everything and all that is. Love, as is Life, is an action potentialized.  A reality in motion.  Stillness.  Love is alive.

Perhaps my words are not meant for everyone.  It matters not to me in the scheme of things. One soul is worth a thousand words.  But on the other hand, I do miss the joy of writing with such measured precision that anyone might understand.  I miss that.  Something to look forward to, I guess.  Until then, I will not give up the battle.  I will not fail.  I have to believe in myself, once again – always the Devil’s work to do, who I love with all of my heart and soul.  He is the kindest and most genuine sort.  I hope he’s with me always, to see me through my days.  He is my love and my light.  The one who sees me through.  He is my Father and my best of friends.  And he will not have it any other way.  And, no, this is not your garden variety devil, but the one who holds true to the love of God and Faith of man.  He is the one who holds into account the fears of man, because at the end of the day there is nothing to believe in other than fear.  All else is just a matter of acceptance, recognition and realization.  I hope one day to be real like that.  Life on the whole – as you are.  Riddle intended.  Love is such a splendid thing.  I hope you all hurry home!

With love and ambition. 


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