Skinny Tree

This is a piece where I was able to capture a moment, where in that moment all of eternity was revealed to me – in a moment- through one small tree.  It was in the late Fall to early Winter that I came upon the tree. It was as if the tree itself became a porthole of time and space.  There was nothing other than that tree, but yet everything happened around and through it.  It was profound.  But it was in that moment I realized the beauty and surrender of the eternal and the selfishness of humanity through our own ignorance.  I saw the beauty and saw how much work went into everything that came before that one small tree, and how much of that we take for granted.  We don’t yet understand the full reality of life.  It is so much more than we could or can ever realize…until we do.  I hope you enjoy this poem as it does embody the moment and my ability to share.   I will try to capture it further in the delivery of it through voice. Thank you for reading and listening, to whomever you are.  Whether a distant star or a place-ling – as goes the tree. I have love for you all.


Introduction to Skinny Tree
Skinny Tree: The Poem

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